Saturday, January 5, 2008

What's Beauty, What's Trash

The neighborhood is littered with abandoned Christmas trees. Once carefully chosen and adopted and tied to cars and taken home and watered and decorated and important. Photos taken beside them and on their own, tinselled and jeweled and adding just the right touch to the holiday decor... presents loaded under them, oohing and, not quite so loved. Stripped of their jewels, dried out and dropping sharp needles they are dumped next to the empty milk containers and newspapers, in puddles left by the melting snow, waiting for the garbage trucks or the shredders with their whining squeal as they turn them into mulch. It makes me sad to see them this way. Just trash. But, for some reason the outdoor setups are still around. And when the bulbs have a layer of snow on them, they are even more beautiful. The first photo is of a long row of bushes strung with colored lights, the heat having melted the snow a bit around them and the second is of course one of the magical deer that move their heads to look around and see what happens to the beautiful lit up trees they've watched thru the windows from the cold... and I bet they are thankful that the shredder isn't coming for them any time soon.
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